
Jurys Inn is providing what it calls ‘creativity cushions’ – a bedside jotting pad to ensure visitors never forget a late-night moment of genius again.

Jurys Inn is currently trialling a range of ‘creativity cushions’ at selected hotels across the UK.

The creativity cushion is a wipe clean pillow which will allow guests to jot down notes or illustrations directly onto the cushion.

Jurys Inn appreciate that for entrepreneurs, business travellers, creatives or those who get their inspiration at midnight – forgetting those nocturnal brainwaves by morning can be very frustrating.

Based on research from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Jurys Inn has calculated that 12.45am is the prime time for our brains to be at their most creative, which comes just 90 minutes after the average British person falls asleep. It’s the time when many will have their most vivid dreams, ideas and moments of genius for the day ahead.

Suzanne Cannon, Head of Marketing at Jurys Inn said, “Great ideas often come when we’re least expecting it and so to save our guests the frustration of waking up and forgetting that inspirational thought they had in the night, we have our creativity cushion on standby”.

“Over 50% of our guests are business travellers and so it’s important to not only make their stay comfortable but as productive as possible too.”

Jurys Inns currently have 36 hotels across the UK with a range of meeting rooms, bars and restaurants and free wi-fi throughout.


Published: 03 May 2017
Hits: 4535